
Energy Savers Team

Support our community’s transition to clean energy.

Buncombe County and the City of Asheville have set a goal to reach 100% Renewable Energy by 2042 for the county as a whole. An important part of the plan is to embrace energy efficiency and ensure that we make a just and equitable transition. Your support for Energy Savers Network will help to achieve this goal.

How to donate to Energy Savers Network

Donate to support Energy Savers Network’s work in our community. You can help us build on our commitment to continue the momentum we’ve built over the past decade. Please make a generous contribution to help our low-income neighbors and move us toward our clean energy goals at the same time. Your support will have a HUGE impact!

Every dollar you contribute provides a huge impact because:

  • energy efficiency is one of the most cost effective ways to reduce pollution including the carbon emissions that are causing global climate change,
  • the low-income families we serve have a high energy cost per dollar of income,
  • donations unlock our ability to leverage funds from Duke Energy Progress that would otherwise not come into our community.

Energy Savers Network is a non-profit organization under the laws of North Carolina and has filed an application to be a recognized charitable organization under 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. While we are waiting for our application to be approved, you can make tax-deductible donations to us through MountainTrue, our fiscal sponsor, via credit card or check – see details below:

If you would prefer to donate by check, please make the check out to Mountain True with “Energy Savers Network” in the check’s Memo line.

Mail check to:
Energy Savers Network
PO Box 142
Asheville, NC 28802